I've always liked tea cups. I have also always wanted to have a nice floral china tea set - all matching. But now, I want mix & matched tea cups, pots, and saucers! Here lately, I have been so obsessed with collecting random assortments of tea sets - tea cups, saucers, sugar bowls, etc. I still have yet to find my perfect floral tea pot :(
I went to Salvation Army the other day and picked up these:
This past week - one of the gifts I got my boyfriend for Valentine's Day was 'The Rum Diaries' on Blu Ray. And in that movie - they had these same blue cups (well, except they were the green ones in the movie) in the film! And I pointed them out to my boyfriend and stated that they were awesome cups. Then 2 days later at a thrift store - I find them. Is that not weird? I got them for $3.99 for 4.
I also got these super adorable Texas Ware Melmac mint green tea cups! I have been longing for a set of these bad boys. I got a set of 5 for only $1.99!!
Plus, I got a few vintage books to read. I've also been reading a lot more lately. Butttttt, that's not what this blog post is about! I tend to get off topic a lot :/ Sorry!
Anywayyy, my mother and I went digging in one of the barns in our backyard today and I found yet some more tea cups! :)
The blue set my mom got a long time ago. She said she got them for the cabin she never had. The metal yellow set was my nanny's. So I gladly accepted both of them. Plus we already have a shit load of Mason Jars - but we found a ton more.
I have also been trying different types of tea. I already know I like green tea. But I got this sampler pack of fruit tea to test out.
Yeah, I tried that Country Peach Passion - it tastes like ass. However, the Raspberry & Black Cherry are very much delicious! I haven't tried the other 2 flavors yet.
I am quite uncertain as to why I want to try all these different weird teas. Perhaps because I don't like coffee and they're so many different types of coffee that people love? I don't know. I'm a rather odd one :P
^^ I also don't know why I typed that small paragraph so proper? Hmm, maybe my love for reading books is helping me with my writing ;)
Do any of you know any other teas I could test out? What's good and what's not?! I've also tried Chai - but I don't really care for it. It's weird. It's not gross or nasty - just odd. Not my cup of tea. Hehe ;) fhsdkfhsjfflfhjsaskl I'm lame, I am aware of this.
Oh, random. But here's a picture of my somewhat lighter hair:
Dark blonde/Light Brown/Slightly Orange?
To be honest, It's not that different. It's just very light up top. Didn't really do much to my ends lol.
I don't know what I'll do next - maybe go blonder? Maybe not. Who knows!
Until next time sugar plums!